Of course we're good parents. Jack just seems to get the sugar rush from suckers immediately and then starts running around. Here's one of those moments. What a little stud. He loves basketball right now. He loves playing it himself and watching daddy and mommy play. Basketball is new for me (Alicia) but I have a great coach and fan all in one...Seth. I figure if I'm coaching the YW in basketball I should learn how to play. I'm actually really starting to like it, and I'm working on getting better. Hey I can't be the tallest person on the court and completely useless. Back to Jack, he's talking better and better and turning into a little mimic. Anything mommy does, more so daddy, Jack immitates, either acts out, says, or does. It cracks me up when I'm on the phone and he'll go grab one of his play phones, come sit next to me, and then say the last three words of the last sentence I said. He's definitely entertaining.