Monday, November 17, 2008

Halloween 2008

Halloween was a blast this year. We carved pumpkins, one which of course had to be a 'Y' for Cougar football and a scary wolf for the other...We're Wolfert's...why not. Jack was a bat this year and absolutely loved Trick or Treating. He practically ran to every house saying "Knock, Knock, Knock," until we got there and he had knocked on the door, then he'd just say "Treat" (obviously, no dummy, all he wanted was the tricks) then after the bestowal of candy he'd say "Tink Tu" (Thank You) then on a run to the next house. My mom was in town watching Ty, so Seth and I both accompanied 'Jack the Bat' on his first real Halloween Trick or Treat. What a cutie. It made Seth and I want to be kids again running around getting candy. We're loving the Atlanta Fall. Beautiful colors everywhere, including our front yard where there will be many huge piles of leaves we'll get to rake up and jump in. Jack and Mommy did that the other day and we loved it.


Chelsea said...

awww, how cute! and you, my dear, look fabulous. I can't believe you just had a baby {and number 2 at that!} and look radiant. Is that your house in the background? I love it! It looks so open. You should do a picture tour sometime.

Snuggle that little baby for me!

Amanda and Ryan McCarty said...

You look way to good for just having a baby. It has been a year since Miley and I still look like what I did after I had her. What is your secret? I can't wait to meet Ty for Christmas. BTW GO COUGS!!!!!!

C said...

HOW CUTE!!! Love the bat, and the pumpkin--you guys look great!!

Patience said...

I miss the fall leaves so much! We get small patches here in SF. Isn't trick or treating with kids the best! What a cute little bat!

Knapp Time said...

You have a cute little family! It still seems crazy that you have a family...not because its you, but because its a family of 4! Time has gone so fast. Let me know if you are coming to Utah for any of the holidays, we would love to get together with you guys.

C-Dawg said...

Wolferts! 好久不見! We need to catch up. There is much to be said. Seth, is your cell the same?

- Cory Marsh