Monday, August 25, 2008

We're trying this for real now

Hello Everyone,
I know it's taken a while, but we are going to try doing the whole blog thing to keep everyone updated and "In the Know." It's been almost a year and a half since we last even attempted this so here's the short of the long of it. In August of '07 we moved from Salem, Oregon to Gainesville, Florida. We became Gators for a year in order for Seth to get his masters in tax law. We enjoyed Florida tons, and took every advantage it had to offer. Shorts in December, beaches, and of course Disney World. Seth was a studying warrior and it paid off. In December of 2007 he was hired by Ernst & Young Accounting firm as a tax attorney to begin work in Atlanta, Georgia July of 2008. Seth had some killer finals and then it was off to Utah and Colorado for the Christmas holiday. In May we found out we were expecting another little boy October 10, 2008 and we were thrilled. Jack gets a buddy, and daddy's basketball team will continue to grow. We are now in Atlanta and loving all the amenities of the big city. Only drawback is distance from family and friends. We also enjoyed seeing everyone at the reunion and picnic. Thanks for a great time and fun memories. Seth is a working man now, and paying his dues with long hours and interesting supervisors. Alicia is getting ready for the new arrival, working on her gardening skills, only the zucchini have died, and trying to keep up with Jack. We'll work our best on updating this more often.


emilyy said...

WHAT!!! thanks for posting. I was about to kick you off my list of blogs we check.

Amanda and Ryan McCarty said...

Yeah!! I am so glad you have committed to the blog. We want to see some pics of your cute family.

Cammie said...

Wow! I took a random glance, since Seth's 29th b-day was yesterday and all, and you posted! Good job!